Particularly tempting are the crayon, glitter glue, paint and construction paper reserves that seem to increase exponentially on a daily basis. I'm one of those people who looooooves "crafty things" and walking into the back room is like entering paradise (if the mess can be overlooked). Am I strange for thinking this way? Possibly, but I don't care. Crayons rule!

As I was breathing in the smell of creative potential (c'mon you know you recognize that smell, it's in the same family as new school supplies), I began to peek into boxes and pick up a few of the items. I was holding a bottle of glue and reminiscing about elementary school (c.1990s'), and I must have looked like I was going to run away with glue in hand because a coworker shouted, "Put that down, those are for the kids!"
I put the glue back, of course, but I'm thinking that I NEED to stop at the store tonight. What's on my list? Glitter glue, construction paper, crayons, stickers...
Haha-I love crayons too, but that's about as crafty and I get.